Today is tomorrow

I live in the future. Maybe not all the time, but since I love dreaming about the future, making plans and taking action, my head is constantly several steps ahead of time. It's as if I'm attached to a rubber string connected to myself in the future and it's constantly pulling me forward. If I don't have any goals to strive towards, I feel lost. Consequently, I always have a thousand projects going on at the same time. I have to, and want to, complete them all. I'm a dreamer and a doer. Being under stimulated and having too little to do is one of my worst fears. I'd rather be involved in too much and be exhausted, than having no projects or responsibilities.

The combination of a rich inner life, with an abundance of ideas and an ability to channel all of this energy into concrete projects, is a blessing and a curse. A blessing because I get a lot of things done and I get satisfaction from this, and a curse because I can never really relax. Additionally, being so set on realizing my plans, I always run the risk of getting disappointed if things don't go my way. I guess you see that being a dreamer and a doer isn't entirely positive.

It's so interesting that we covet the personality traits that we don't have. I admire people who don't feel the need to live in the future and to do things all the time. People who are content with the here and the now, and whose brains are not set on "full speed ahead" mode all the time. It seems so much more agreeable. However, there's not much we can do to change our personality. We just have to live with it and try to focus on the benefits.


  1. Anonymous29/1/17 20:56

    So true, sister. Sometimes it's so frustrating that the day is only 24h. I wanna learn to play the piano, I want to see more places, I want to master more languages... And I get totally annoyed with people saying they are bored and have nothing to do. How do manage to do that? How is it possible to miss all wonderful things that live offer? How can you ever get bored? I'm happy to know that there will be plenty of time in the future, or else I would not know how to survive ;)

    1. Thank you for your comment! Yes, it's all about balance, which is impossible to have right now. Sometimes I regard my creativity as a problem, because I get frustrated when I don't have the time to do all of the things I want to. But it's not creativity's problem, it's that we have too little time. But it will be all right eventually.

  2. Linda Gr.30/6/17 01:24

    Woaa! Eleine, du är så duktig på att skriva och uttrycka dig! ����
    Jag håller med dig fullständigt. Man vill ha saker att göra och se fram emot och sträva efter men samtidigt skulle det vara skönt om det kunde vara tyst och stilla i huvudet ibland.
    Jag håller med systerns kommentar också. Hur kan folk vara uttråkade?? XD det finns alltför mycket att göra!

    1. Tack, fina Linda! Jo, absolut, det vore skönt om det var lite tyst i huvudet ibland. Men vi får bara leva med det antar jag. Och göra det bästa av det. :P


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