It's getting personal

Welcome to my new blog. There are several reasons why I decided on a different website. Without getting into too many details the website where I had my previous blog contained too many ads and didn't always behave reliably. Secondly, I want to make my blog more personal, and I want to make the information available only to certain people. Not everyone is allowed into my personal sphere. So if you're reading this you belong to a small but exclusive group. Congratulations. ;-)

Perhaps not super personal information, but spring is my absolute favorite season. Especially a year like this when there's an explosion of buds, birds, colors, and emotions. It's incredibly beautiful! I like fall too, but there's always such melancholy lingering in the air because you know that soon the leaves will fall off, the birds will disappear, the colors will vanish and the emotions will be packed and stored away in the long, cold and dark Swedish winter. Speaking of air and packed, there is only one downside to spring. Allergies. Usually I'm not that allergic in the spring time, but now the air is packed with pollen and I really feel the effects of it. Still my sister and I managed to have a good time today in the park we call Slottskogen in Gothenburg. However, the pictures below were taken right outside my apartment building. And yes, it's the same path in both pictures.

 From fall to...

... spring


  1. I feel very privileged :)

    1. Cool. So do I, because you are one of my readers. <3

  2. Anonymous30/4/14 13:46

    Jag känner mig hedrad =) /Ellenor


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