The Gothenburgian winter usually lasts from November to March. Some might say that it starts earlier and ends later, but don't let them fool you. This is the complete and utter truth.
Because we live so far up north we are blessed with endless light in the summer time. Au contraire, in the winter time we have eternal darkness. For example, in December the sun rises around 9 a.m and sets around 3:30 p.m. It has been scientifically proven that some people produce more melatonin as a result of the darkness, and for them it can be quite excruciating to endure the gloom. If you're one of these people I have ten great tips on how to survive this dark and dreary season.
1. Be open for all kinds of absurdities in everyday life. Like when you go down to the laundry room to take your clothes out of the washing machine only to realize that the machine is gone. Or listen in when your 19-year old male students have a serious discussion about umbilical fluff. Why not get an extra cell phone and send encouraging text messages to yourself, such as "you're very funny and smart."?
2. Eat anything with peanut butter. m&m:s, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, or PB straight out of the jar. A great side effect is that all the fat it contains will sustain your body throughout the whole winter.
3. Take cross-eyed photos of yourself and your friends. You look stupid and it's funny.
4. Listen to music anywhere and anyhow. Let other people enjoy your taste in music by playing it loud on the bus or the tram. You'll be surprised how many interesting reactions you will get.
5. Expose yourself to as much light as possible. Light sabers, light weights and light yoghurt might do the trick.
6. Exercise as much as possible. Above all, exercise faith.
7. Accidentally drink mulled and spiced wine: Glögg on an empty stomach. It will cause interesting reactions.
8. Go to a dance party and dance all night long. Without any shoes.
9. Watch videos with crazy bats.
wait... I mean cats!
10. And if all else fail you have two alternatives. Go all in and create a beach in your bathroom, complete with sand, palmtrees and sunlight. Or become a bear and hibernate until April.
I can vouch for most of the tips above, although I haven't tried the last one yet. But who knows, I might do it one of these days...
Sincerely, your veteran winter guide. Here in a nice, green unidentified vehicle.
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